What to Shred in Columbus
Columbus Document Shredding will connect you to secure, self-contained, high volume, mobile, shredding services that come out to your location. Your sensitive documents are quickly and securely shredded without the slow down of your normal business operations. We work to save you time, money, and man-hours. You receive a cost-effective option for managing equipment, space, and personnel.
Why take a chance? Shred it. You’ll get a Certificate of Destruction for each job.
Businesses must have a list of the types of documents that must be shredded:
- Bank Statements
- Unused Checks
- Records from your Insurance Agency
- Expired Contracts and Legal Documents
- Outdated Medical Records
- Credit Card Statements and Receipts
- Customer Lists
- Financial Records
- Employee Records
- Research and Development
- Proprietary Data
Get Free Quotes on Shredding Services throughout Columbus, OH
For more information about Columbus shredding services give us a call today at (614) 344-0717 or fill out the form on the left.
Columbus Document Shredding
285 E State St
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 344-0717
E-Mail: info@columbusdocumentshredding.com
285 E State St
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 344-0717
E-Mail: info@columbusdocumentshredding.com